Three Tails Lizard (Jing Chok) Luang Phor Nai Wat Ban Jaeng
Three Tails Lizard (Jing Chok) Luang Phor Nai Wat Ban Jaeng. Phim Niyom. It won No4 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition in year 2013. Attached with Gold Waterproof casing.
Luang Phor Nai born at BE2446. He ordained as novice at the age of 12. He was the lineage of Luang Phor Suk Wat Makhamtao. He learned from Archan Yam Daeng which was the close disciple of Luang Phor Suk. Luang Phor Nai was the top maker of Lizard in Thailand. He passed away at BE2530 at the age of 84.
龙婆乃生于佛历2446年。于12岁的时候成为小沙弥。师傅是龙婆蜀Wat Makhamtao的派系。师傅向阿赞Yam Daeng学习,而阿赞Yam Daeng是龙婆蜀的亲近弟子。龙婆乃一生中钻研精族法门,更将于龙婆蜀身上所学的及自己研究的种种揉合成独特的招财、守财、人缘、避险法门制成精族。师傅一生中助人无数,受到泰国人们的敬重,其制作的精族-壁虎更是大家的旁身圣物,得到永世的流传及赞颂。
CODE: 501020