Pidta Luang Phor Mee Wat Phra Song BE244x
Pidta Luang Phor Mee Wat Phra Song BE244x. Nur Takua. Co-blessed with Luang Phor Kaew Wat Kerwan. It won No1 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition in year 2011. Attached with Gold waterproof casing.
Luang Phor Mee was the Top Monk of Phetchaburi Province, his pidta is considered 1 of the top pidta in whole thailand and his pidta is under contest table “Pidta Yod Niyom” (Top Most Popular Pidta Table). Luang Phor Mee was also good friend with Luang Phor Kaew Wat Kerwan, both of them share the same knowledge with each other. Luang Phor Kaew Wat Kerwan was born in Phetchaburi and ordained at Wat Phra Song. Great Luang Phor Peam Wat Kao Luk is disciple of Luang Phor Mee Wat Phra Song.
比达佛,龙婆蜜瓦帕颂佛寺,佛历244x。铅料。龙婆桥Wat Kerwan也有份加持。于2011年在泰国佛牌比赛中荣获第一名。配上防水金壳。
龙婆蜜是碧差汶裡省很有名的师傅。他的比达在泰国也属于很棒的比达之一。在佛牌比赛当中,龙婆蜜的比达是归类在“Yod Niyom比达”的项目里头。当年龙婆蜜和龙婆桥Wat Kerwan是好朋友。他们两人时常互相交流学习。龙婆桥也是在碧差汶裡省出生,并在瓦帕颂佛寺出家。而龙婆Peam Wat Kao Luk也是龙婆蜜的徒弟。
CODE: 505009