Somdej Mien Red Powder Luang Phor Unn Wat Tankong BE2495-2497. This is Red Powder material, made 500 pieces only and it is the most popular phim. Very rare and hard to find in the market. This Somdej is encased with brand new handmade 90% open close Gold casing. The gold casing weight is around 8.46Gram and cost 21,300 Thai Baht. The height is around 2CM.
This batch of amulet made 84,000 pieces in total, consisted of Red powder 500 pieces, White powder 1,000 pieces, Oily powder 2,500 pieces, and normal powder 80,000 pieces. Luang Phor Unn created this Somdej Mien from many holy materials such as leftover rice from Luang Phor Unn, nur phong created by Luang Phor Unn, old powder from Luang Phor Kaew Wat Kruewan. Luang Phor Unn strongly blessed this Somdej Mien for 8 years by himself with monks in temple. People believe Somdej Mien is good in charm, kindness, attractive, Metta Maha Saney, luck and wealth too. By the way, there are many wonderful experiences of Somdej Mien amulet about helping worshiper from harm, accident and weapon.
这批佛牌共制作了84,000尊,当中红色经粉500尊,白色经粉1,000尊,油性经粉2,500尊,以及普通经粉80,000尊。龙婆温在制作这崇迪棉时参了很多圣料,当中包括师傅吃剩的饭,龙婆娇的碰冠甩圣粉以及龙婆温师傅特别开光的经粉“特殊的迷魂木经粉”。师傅本身与庙内僧人一起督造开光。由师傅和庙内僧人一共加持了8年时间,有45000-50000面是放在庙内,有35000-40000是放在庙内天花版跟佛像内。为什麼这一面佛牌叫崇迪棉呢?因为在开光前督造用料时,师傅将所搜集的特别佛牌用料与僧人吃饭后在钵内剩下的饭,混在一起然后让特殊佛牌用料跟米饭一起发酵, 直到有酸臭味。信徒们相信这崇迪棉对人缘,异性缘,招财,提升运气等方面很有帮助,功效十分全面。另外崇迪棉也发生了很多佩戴者遇到伤害,意外,抢劫时获得帮助的典故。这尊崇迪最特别的地方就是有超强的念力效果。据庙方表示如果把佛牌泡在水里面给心爱的人喝这个人将永远不会忘记您也会非常难离开您。
CODE: 2106009