Somdej Phim Yai Wat Bangkhunprom BE2509. This somdej has 12 Phim, where Phim Yai is the most popular phim. This batch of somdej amulets were chanted for the purpose of replacing the broken old somdej amulets from the old chedi of Bangkhunprom. In BE2500 the old chedi was opened, all the somdej amulets that were placed there by Phra Somdej Puttajahn Toh a hundred of years ago were removed from the chedi to prevent further damage and theft. Half of the newly chanted somdej amulets would be placed inside the repaired chedi and the other half would be distributed to the public.
On 4th January BE2509, this batch of amulets was chanted at Wat Bangkhunprom. There were many famous monks participated in the chanting:
1. Luang Phor Nak, Wat Rakang
2. Luang Phor Ngern, Wat DonYaiHorm
3. Luang Phor Tae, Wat SamNgan
4. Luang Phor Nor, Wat GlahngTahReau
5. Ajahn Tim, Wat Chiang Hai
6. Ajahn AmPon, Wat Prasat
7. Ajahn Dteum, Wat PraLory
8. Luang Por Horm, Wat ChakHaMahk
9. Tahn Jow Koon WimLaGitJahn, Wat ChaNaSongRahm
10. Pra Kru PlayWiSutTiWat, Wat Suttat
This batch of amulet materials included:
1. Sea Shell Powder
2. Tang Tiw Oil
3. Sugar Cane Water
4. Many old broken somdej from Wat Bangkhunprom Old Chedi
5. Powder from amulets of Wat Sahm Pleum Chedi – 2 KG
6. Powder from amulets of Wat Koosalot Chedi – 2 KG
7. First batch Phra Wat Paknam – 19 pieces
8. Nampaya amulets from Wat Phisanulok – 3 to 4 pieces
9. Incense Powder
10. Candles
11. Yellow Plaster
12. 108 Flowers
It won No1 Placing in Thailand Lopburi SamakomPhra Amulet Competition on 2nd September 2018. Attached with Brand New Handmade 90% Gold Waterproof casing, Gold weight is around 7.44Gram.
大模崇迪佛,瓦曼冠碰佛寺,佛历2509(1966年)。这批崇迪有12种不同的模,当中以大模最受欢迎。在佛历2509年,屈曼冠碰寺落成开光2尊大佛像,同时推出了一批崇迪佛牌,佛牌用了多种古老佛牌粉参入制成。佛牌主要制造原因是为了补回当年一些在佛塔内损坏的崇迪佛牌(在佛历约2400年,阿赞多大师将自已亲制崇迪佛牌放人曼冠碰寺内一佛塔内),一百年后的佛历2500塔被打开,经历时间 洗礼,多次水浸及小偷的偷窃,佛塔及佛牌己有一定程度损坏。这批09佛牌有一半会放回在佛塔之内,一半开放予公众结缘。
1. 龙婆纳,瓦拉康佛寺
2. 龙婆银,瓦咚亚宏佛寺
3. 龙婆爹,瓦三按佛寺
4. 龙婆乐,瓦刚达你佛寺
5. 阿赞添,瓦沧海佛寺
6. 阿赞暗陪,瓦巴沙佛寺
7. 阿赞跌暗,瓦巴罗佛寺
8. 龙婆暗,瓦仓系马佛寺
9. 周冠威麽杰查事,瓦陈那沙南佛寺
10. 帕库比颖是跌瓦,瓦苏塔佛寺
1. 大量阿赞多亲制曼冠碰崇迪佛牌碎片
2. Wat Sam Pleum埋塔古老佛牌(2公斤)
3. Wat Koosalot埋塔古老佛牌(2公斤)
4. 第一期瓦白榄佛寺佛牌(19尊)
5. 上千年Wat Phisanulok南拍亚女皇佛牌(3或4尊)
6. 贝壳粉末
7. 甘蔗水
8. 特别花油
9. 香灰
10. 蜡烛
11. 人缘糕
12. 108种以上特别花朵
CODE: 2003001