Phra Kring Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549

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Phra Kring Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549. This is Nur Nawa, covered with Phong Phuttakhun 108 and LP’s hair, made 199 pieces only. Serial Number 98. It has temple box.
The pouring ceremony by Luang Phor Kliang was held on 3rd August 2006. This is considered the first pouring ceremony in Wat Non Kaed. Blessing ceremony held on 10th October 2006. This is the amulet with 3 good intentions:
1. Good mass. This batch of amulet received 99.99 kg Chamnuan from different places, such as Chamnuan First Batch Phra Kring Luang Phor Waen Wat Doimaepang.
2. Good time. Luang Phor Kliang according to his own recipe set the auspicious time for the ceremony of pouring gold. It was on the 9th  day of 9th lunar month in year 2006, and Luang Phor Kliang was 99 years old at that time.
3. Good ceremony. Luang Phor Kliang performed the ceremony according to ancient formula. From the preparation of the material until the ceremony to put the yant plates and wisek metal into the mold. Every step was properly assembled. Luang Phor Kliang gave his blessing before handover the material during the pouring ceremony.
药师佛玛哈蒙坤伦阿育瓦塔诺99,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2549(2006年)。这尊是九宝铜材质,附有普塔坤108经粉以及师傅的头发,只制作了199尊而已。佛牌编号是98。连同寺庙盒子。
龙婆将于2006年8月3日举行倒模仪式。这是Wat Non Kaed第一次举行倒模仪式。之后于2006年10月3日举行加持法会。这批佛牌是三好佛牌:
1. 好材料。这批佛牌收集了来自不同地方99.99公斤的Chamnuan原料,当中包括龙婆元瓦兜昧榜佛寺第一期药师佛的原料。
2. 好时辰。师傅根据自己的方式计算出倒模的好时辰。当时师傅是99岁,在2006年的农历9月初9。
3. 好法会。师傅根据古法制作和加持了这批佛牌。从准备材料直到把写好经文的经片以及神奇金属放进磨具,每一步骤都根据古法进行。师傅把材料交去倒模时也念经加持。
CODE: 2305006