First Batch Khunpaen Luang Phor Tey Wat Samngan BE2484. This is Nur Din Si Dam. Super Champion Condition. It won No1 Placing in Thailand ChaengWattana SamakomPhra Amulet Competition on 7th July 2019. It won No1 Placing in Thailand ChaengWattana SamakomPhra Amulet Competition on 18th August 2019 again. This Khunpaen encased with handmade openable Gold casing. Gold casing weight around 17.60 gram and cost around 36,500 Thai Baht. The height is around 3.8CM.
This batch of Khunpaen have several colors, black is the most popular color. The material included:
1. Soil from Din Pong
2. Soil from 7 cemeteries
3. Soil from 7 ports
4. Soil from 7 gardens
5. Soil from 7 farms
6. Soil from 7 fields
7. Powder from bones and Phong Prai Guman
1. 泰国有一个地方叫 “定帮”,该地方会有一种人变老虎,老虎变人的动物,当见到猎人时,他们会化身老虎把他们咬死,这个地方有很特别的力量和物质,取拿这个地方圣土
2. 七个地方墓土
3. 七个港口泥土
4. 七种昆虫寄居的巢
5. 七种动物生活地方的土
6. 七个农田中心的泥土
7. 小孩骨灰,取自一位星期六去世,星期二火化小童骨灰,跟足古老法本要求
CODE: 2104015