Hanuman Luang Phor Kliang Wat Noen Sutthawat BE2557. Nur Takua.
哈努曼,龙婆强Wat Noen Sutthawat,佛历2557。铅料。
CODE: 410006
Luang Phor Kliang Wat Noen Sutthawat born on 20th June BE2461. He ordained at Wat Noen Sutthawat at the age of 21 on 2nd July BE2482. He appointed as Chief Abbot Wat Noen Sutthawat on 1st October BE2487. Currently he is 97 years old. Luang Phor Kliang very famous in making Hanuman. Locals believe that Hanuman is full of grace and has changed for the better and even protected them from danger.
龙婆强Wat Noen Sutthawat生于佛历2461年6月20日。师傅于佛历2482年7月2日在Wat Noen Sutthawat出家成僧,当时师傅是21岁。佛历2487年10月1日,师傅被委任为Wat Noen Sutthawat的主持,一直到今天。今年师傅已经97岁高龄了。师傅的哈努曼很有名。当地人相信哈努曼是很神圣的,能够把事情变得更好,并帮助大家避开危险。